Coloring Book Issue of the Radical Visibility Zine

Sky posing with a zine while their friend smiles opening its pages to the camera
Coloring book cover in yellow with pink geometric shapes
Inside the coloring book, the left page is yellow with black text and drawings while the right features a drawing of sky's friend wrapping their ventilator lovingly around sky
two drawings inside the coloring book (left is a person dancing on a seated person, right is a bigger model posing with their hand on their hip)
A model lifts their cute boxy shirt, revealing their belly. On the opposite page a person with two fluffy hair buns grips the wheel of their wheelchair, framing their crossed legs and tipped head
Coloring book sitting next to "Happy Rebirthday!" cards and "Radical Visibility, a trans teen's story" zine
Sky posing with a zine while their friend smiles opening its pages to the camera
Coloring book cover in yellow with pink geometric shapes
Inside the coloring book, the left page is yellow with black text and drawings while the right features a drawing of sky's friend wrapping their ventilator lovingly around sky
two drawings inside the coloring book (left is a person dancing on a seated person, right is a bigger model posing with their hand on their hip)
A model lifts their cute boxy shirt, revealing their belly. On the opposite page a person with two fluffy hair buns grips the wheel of their wheelchair, framing their crossed legs and tipped head
Coloring book sitting next to "Happy Rebirthday!" cards and "Radical Visibility, a trans teen's story" zine
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Coloring Book Issue of the Radical Visibility Zine

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Coloring Book issue of the Radical Visibility Zine featuring disabled, queer, and POC folx of all sizes and ages!

Drawn in October 2018, Risograph Printed at The Print Shop LA July 2019, all by Sky!

This is a full magazine size zine (so 8.5 x 11 inches!) There are 20 coloring book pages printed on a nice thick cardstock. I used 16pt font to be better for folx with visual impairments. Everything was done cut and paste style, doodled on with a cardstock cover!

Above, you can see the cover and some inside pages of the zine! I would say that this coloring book is for all ages. There is one page (pictured above) that could be considered a bit sexier. If you are uncomfortable with faint nipples, then just color in their body suit with a dark color!

If you are in Chicago and want to pick this up from my studio or from one of my shows/gigs use the code PICKUP for free shipping.

Original Photo Credits:

Photo 1 by Grace DuVal

1. Alice Wong and Sky

Photos 2-7 by Christopher Sonny Martinez

2. Ryan Haddad

3. Jessy Yates

4. Shelly

5. Cade Spencer Gideon Smith

6. Martin Katz

7. Donald Lee

Photos 8- 13 by Grace DuVal

8. Giovana Giscomè

9. Sea Dax

10. Alice Wong

11. Ayy Scott and El Taino Annerys

12. Michelle Zacarias featuring Becca Kacanda

13. Caleb Luna

Photo 14 by Kiam Marcelo Junio

14. Sky and Carrie K

Photo 15 by Colectivo Multipolar

15. Nina D’Angier

16-20 feature designs by the Radical Visibility Collective -

Sky Cubacub, Vogds, and Compton Q and are

photographed by Colectivo Multipolar:

16. Genevieve Nutley

17. Molly Hewitt AKA Glamhag

18. Regina Rodriguez AKA Irregular Girl

19. Allison Nolan

20. Vogds, Compton Q and Sky